

Irrigation Tampa FloridaKeep your landscape healthy, green, and beautiful, even in the dry summer months! Lawn Service of Tampa Florida can help. A Lawn Service of Tampa Florida irrigation specialist will work with you to plan, design, install, and maintain a watering system optimized for effectiveness and cost efficiency.

Most people are under the misconception that irrigation systems are expensive and not cost effective. Do you know that, with the right irrigation system, you can reduce your water total usage by 10% to 60%? When installed and programmed properly, automatic irrigation systems can even save you money and help in water conservation. Watering with a hose or even an oscillator does waste a lot water. Neither method targets plant roots with any significant degree of precision. Automatic irrigation systems can be programmed to discharge more precise amounts of water in a targeted area, which promotes water conservation.

Sprinkler System Installation

Lawn Service of Tampa Florida sprinkler systems are professionally designed and installed to meet your lawn and plant needs. Our highly experienced irrigation crews will use the proper equipment to work efficiently about your property, minimizing damage to grass and surrounding landscape areas. Our irrigation crews coordinate with licensed plumbers to ensure compliance with permit requirements and local building codes. Where required, your backflow device will be properly certified.

We price our jobs by the number of zones (watering stations), not by the hour. Our rates will vary slightly depending on the difficulty of your landscaping (e.g. boring under driveways, concrete walls, drilling past and cutting through large tree roots, etc).

Upon completion our irrigation foreman will perform a total walk-through with you and show you how to operate your timer and all emergency shut-off valves. All of our new installations are guaranteed as well as our repair/service.

Start-Up Services

Start-up services are offered between the months of April and May. The sprinkler start-up service includes turning on the main water supply, programming the timer, adjusting and repairing any necessary sprinkler heads or parts.

Winterizing Services

All irrigation systems must be properly adjusted.

Sprinkler System Management

Lawn Service of Tampa Florida irrigation specialist will perform a monthly (June thru September) adjustment of individual heads and re-programming of clock run times to compensate for varying weather conditions, and to detect problems before turf is damaged. This service will also help to conserve water throughout the season.

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